Call of Duty Vistas
I worked with other artists to create the skybox and vista elements for Call of Duty Cold War’s massive Fireteam Dirty Bomb maps. In this 40 player game mode, players start the match by parachuting out of a C130. I created large pieces of vista terrain; mountains, hills and plains, that could be arranged in multiple configurations, allowing us to use the same vista pieces across multiple maps.
The initial plan was to create one massive map that players would only use a small part of each match. It was going to be so big that the Radiant Engine would be unable to light any geometry outside the playable space. I created an unlit vista to fill this void. I used World Creator, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Designer, Photoshop, and Mari to make it. At the eleventh hour, we couldn’t get the map to run, so I adapted my pipeline to break my giant vista into the modular pieces to be used across the multiple, now relatively smaller maps seen below.